Call for Papers for the 72nd Annual Midwest Conference on British Studies – Submit by May 5, 2025

The Midwest Conference on British Studies—the Midwest affiliate of the North American Conference on British Studies—will hold its annual meeting on October 17-18, 2025 at Elmhurst University. Elmhurst is 10 miles south of O’Hare Airport and 17 miles from downtown Chicago, easily accessible via train and car.

The MWCBS defines British Studies broadly, both chronologically and geographically, and as such we welcome proposals for papers from a broad array of disciplines and time periods: history, literature, gender studies, art, music, political science, philosophy, anthropology, and more. Proposals for roundtables, posters, and papers exploring specific pedagogies, methodologies, outreach, and employment are also encouraged. Scholars at all stages of their careers are welcome, including graduate students and independent scholars.

Proposals for individual papers/posters and for full panels are equally welcome. We encourage presenters to use H-Albion and the discussion board at the conference blog, to find additional panelists. If needed, our organization can help to find chairs, commentators, and additional panelists.

Graduate students may apply for a limited number of Jim Sack Travel Awards and are also eligible to compete for the Walter L. Arnstein Prize, awarded to the best graduate student paper(s) presented at the conference. Further details will be available on the MWCBS website:

To submit proposals, please send the following to Program Chair Anne Rodrick at by Monday, May 5, 2025. Use Microsoft Word or PDF format and indicate if any technology will be required.

Individual paper proposal:
• An abstract of approximately 200 words and
• A one-page c.v. for the author.

Panel or roundtable proposal:
• A 200-word abstract for each paper and a 1-page c.v. for each participant, including chairs and commentators, and
• A 200-word abstract for the panel as a whole.

Combine these documents into one Word or PDF file and submit to by May 5. Indicate the panel contact person in the email.
A draft program will be submitted by mid-summer.

For conference updates and to find fellow panelists, visit the MWCBS website at

Contact Information
Anne Rodrick
Wofford College
429 North Church Street
Spartanburg, SC 29303
Contact Email


Wondering what an MWCBS conference entails? Read this blog post from Amy Stanning, a Lancaster University graduate student who attended and presented at the 2024 conference.

Coordinate a Panel for the 72nd Annual Conference of the Midwest Conference on British Studies in 2025

For the 2025, 72nd Annual Midwest Conference on British Studies, we are making it easier for scholars to connect and form panels. If you are interested in finding other scholars to form a panel with, please comment on this post with the following information:

  • Name
  • Paper topic
  • Proposed panel theme
  • Other relevant details

Registration Now Open for the 71st Annual Midwest Conference on British Studies, September 27-28, 2024!

MWCBS Conference Location:

Fairmont Royal York
100 Front Street
West Toronto, ON M5J 1E3

Hotel Suggestions: 

There is a small block of rooms available at the Fairmont Royal York. The discounted rate is $429.00 CAD per night.  The rooms set aside will only be held until August 26th.  Bookings can be made by calling the Reservations Department at 1-800-663-7229 or the Global Reservations Centre at 1-800-441-1414. You can also book online with this special code.

Entrance Requirements:

Please review the Canadian entrance requirements before registering for the conference.

British citizens and other visa-exempt travelers flying into Canada need an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to board their flight to Canada. Citizens and lawful permanent residents of the United States do not require a visa but must have a valid passport.

Non-U.S. citizens/US permanent residents, who may require a visa, are urged to begin the application process early, as it can take several months, depending on your country of residence.

Please contact the MWCBS program chair, David Pennington, at for a formal letter of invitation, which you will need for the visa application.


Please use the following link to register for the conference:

The rates this year are the following:

Faculty & Independent Scholars:

  • Early Registration (through August 31): $180.00
  • Late Registration (beginning September 1): $200.00
  • Saturday Luncheon and Keynote Address: $45.00

Graduate Students:

  • Early Registration (through August 31): $140.00
  • Late Registration (beginning September 1): $160.00
  • Saturday Luncheon and Keynote Address: $45.00

Please note: All panelists must register for the conference before Friday, September 27, 2024.

Student Travel Grants: The registration process will also allow you to donate to the MWCBS James Sack Graduate Student Travel Grants, which helps subsidize costs to the annual conference for the youngest members of our organization, who find it increasingly difficult in these times of shrinking university budgets to secure conference funding. The MWCBS relies on member contributions to fund the grants, and the donations we receive will determine the number of awards we are able to give out. Donations are tax deductible since the MWCBS is an official 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Please scroll down while registering to find the Travel Grant donation field.

Register now!

Conference Program:

We are currently finalizing panels. Check back soon for the preliminary program!


For program related questions, please contact:

Dr. David Pennington
Program Committee Chairperson, MWCBS
Associate Professor of History
Webster University

For all other conference related questions, please contact:

Dr. Martin Greig
President, MWCBS
Associate Professor, Department of History
Toronto Metropolitan University

Call for Papers for the 71st Annual Midwest Conference on British Studies-Extended Until June 2

The Midwest Conference on British Studies is proud to announce that its 71st Annual Meeting will be held at Toronto Metropolitan University on Friday, September 27 and Saturday, September 28.

The MWCBS seeks papers from scholars in all fields of British Studies, globally and broadly defined to include those who study the British Isles (including Ireland), the British Empire, the Commonwealth, and British engagement with the world, from Roman Britain to the modern age.

We welcome scholars from a broad spectrum of disciplines, including but not limited to English and literature, history, political science, gender studies, art, and music history. We invite proposals from scholars at all stages of their careers, including independent scholars.

The MWCBS equally welcomes individual paper proposals and proposals for panels (two-four presenters, plus chair and/or commentator), roundtables, poster sessions, and panels featuring the pre-circulation of papers among participants and audience members.  The MWCBS encourages presenters to use H-Albion and the discussion board at the conference blog to find additional panelists. If needed, our organization can help to find chairs, commentators, and additional panelists.

The MWCBS welcomes proposals that:

  • Present new research on the political, social, cultural, and economic history of the British Isles, the empire, and the Commonwealth
  • Situate literature, the arts, and sciences in a British cultural context
    • Examine representations of British and imperial/Commonwealth national identities, including the construction of identities shaped by race, class, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, and dis/ability
    • Explore new developments in digital humanities, pedagogies, and/or research methodologies
    • Present professional development sessions on collaborative or innovative learning techniques in the British Studies classroom or on topics of research, publication, public outreach, or employment relevant to British Studies scholars

The MWCBS welcomes presentations by graduate students and will award the Walter L. Arnstein Prize for the best graduate student paper(s) given at the conference. A limited number of Jim Sack Travel Awards will also be available.  All graduate students are encouraged to apply. Further details will be available on the MWCBS website:

Individual Paper Proposal Requirements:

  • Include a 200-word conference paper abstract.
  • Include a 1-page c.v. for the author.

Panel Proposal Requirements:

  • Include a 200-word abstract for each paper and a 1-page c.v. for each participant, including chairs and commentators.
  • Include a 200-word abstract for the panel as a whole.
  • Please place the panel abstract, accompanying paper proposals, and vitas in one Word or PDF file and submit it as a single attachment. Also identify, within the e-mail, the panel’s contact person.

All proposals should be submitted electronically by June 2, to the Program Committee Chair David Pennington at

 For conference updates and to find fellow panelists, visit the MWCBS website at

Registration Now Open for the 70th Annual Midwest Conference on British Studies, October 13-14, 2023!

MWCBS Conference Location:

Bowling Green State University
1001 East Wooster Street
Bowling Green, OH 43403

Hotel Suggestions: 

There is not one, specific conference hotel this year. Below are hotel suggestions provided by the local conference organizer:


Please use the following link to register for the conference. Your registration includes the Friday evening reception and plenary talk.

The rates this year are the following:

  • Early Registration (through September 15): $130.00
  • Late Registration (beginning September 16): $150.00
  • Early Registration Graduate Students (through September 15): $80.00
  • Late Registration Graduate Students (beginning September 16): $100.00
  • Saturday Luncheon and Keynote Address: $25.00

Please note: All panelists must register for the conference by Friday, October 13, 2023.

Student Travel Grants: The registration process will also allow you to donate to the MWCBS James Sack Graduate Student Travel Grants, which helps subsidize costs to the annual conference for the youngest members of our organization, who find it increasingly difficult in these times of shrinking university budgets to secure conference funding. The MWCBS relies on member contributions to fund the grants, and the donations we receive will determine the number of awards we are able to give out. Donations are tax deductible since the MWCBS is an official 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Please scroll down while registering to find the Travel Grant donation field.

Register now!

Conference Program:

We are currently finalizing panels. Check back soon for the preliminary program!


For program related questions, please contact:

Dr. David Pennington
Program Committee Chairperson, MWCBS
Associate Professor of History
Webster University

For all other conference related questions, please contact:

Dr. Martin Greig
President, MWCBS
Associate Professor, Department of History
Toronto Metropolitan University

Call for Papers for the 70th Annual Midwest Conference On British Studies

The Midwest Conference on British Studies is proud to announce that its 70th Annual Meeting will be held at Bowling Green State University on October 13-14, 2023.

The MWCBS seeks papers from scholars in all fields of British Studies, broadly defined to include those who study England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Britain’s Empire and the Commonwealth from Roman Britain to the modern age. We welcome scholars from a broad spectrum of disciplines, including but not limited to history, literature, political science, gender studies, art and music history. We welcome scholars at all stages of their careers, from graduate students to emeriti, as well as independent scholars, people working in associated careers, and more traditional academics. We accept full panel proposals and individual proposals equally. The MWCBS encourages scholars to use H-Albion to find additional panelists. Our organization can also help find chairs, commentators, and additional panelists, if needed.

The MWCBS welcomes individual proposals and proposals for panels (of three participants plus chair/commentator), roundtables (of four participants plus chair), poster sessions, and panels featuring the pre-circulation of papers among participants and audience members.

The MWCBS welcomes proposals that:

  • Examine new trends in British Studies
  • Explore new developments in digital humanities, pedagogies, and/or research methodologies
  • Present professional development sessions on collaborative or innovative learning techniques in the British Studies classroom or on topics of research, publication, public outreach, or employment relevant to British Studies scholars
  • Offer comparative analyses of different periods of British Studies, such as comparing medieval and early modern issues in context
  • Situate the arts, letters, and sciences in a British cultural context
  • Present new research on the political, social, cultural, and economic history of the British Isles
  • Examine representations of British and imperial/Commonwealth national identities, including the construction of identities shaped by race, class, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, and dis/ability
  • Consider Anglo-American relations, past and present
  • Assess a major work or body of work by a scholar

The MWCBS welcomes presentations by advanced graduate students and will award the Walter L. Arnstein Prize for the best graduate student paper(s) given at the conference. A limited number of Jim Sack Travel Awards will also be available, and all graduate students are encouraged to apply. Further details will be available on the MWCBS website:

Proposal Requirements and Deadline:

  • Include a 200-word abstract for each paper and a 1-page c.v. for each participant, including chairs and commentators.
  • For full panels, also include a 200-word abstract for the panel as a whole.
  • Please place the panel abstract, accompanying paper proposals, and vitas in one Word or PDF file and submit it as a single attachment. Also identify, within the e-mail, the panel’s contact person.
  • All proposals should be submitted electronically by April 21, 2023 to the Program Committee Chair, David Pennington at

Registration Now Open for the 68th Annual Conference

Registration for The 68th Annual Midwest Conference on British Studies is now open!

Registration is $20 for general admission attendees and graduate students can register for free. There is also an option for donating to the graduate student fund.

A finalized program will be available soon. A preliminary program is currently available to view.

We look forward to seeing you on Zoom October 15-16, 2021!

68th Annual Midwest Conference on British Studies (Update)

The 68th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Conference on British Studies will be held online, via Zoom, October 15-16, 2021.

The Jim Sack Travel Awards will be used to pay the registration fees of graduate students who attend the conference. When you complete the registration process, select the graduate student option to register for $0.

If you are not a graduate student but are facing either employment or economic hardship and cannot pay for the conference, please contact Susie Steinbach to discuss options.

A copy of the draft program, final registration fees, and a link to the registration page will be added to this website soon. Please check back for additional information.

Call for Papers for the 68th Annual Midwest Conference On British Studies

The Midwest Conference on British Studies is proud to announce that its 68th Annual Meeting will be online via Zoom, October 15-16, 2021. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Sara Butler, Professor and King George III Chair of British History at the Ohio State University.

The MWCBS seeks papers from scholars in all fields of British Studies, broadly defined to include those who study England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Britain’s Empire and the Commonwealth from Roman Britain to the modern age. We welcome scholars from a broad spectrum of disciplines, including but not limited to history, literature, political science, gender studies, art and music history. We welcome scholars at all stages of their careers, from graduate students to emeriti, as well as independent scholars, people working in associated careers, and more traditional academics. We accept full panel proposals and individual proposals equally. The MWCBS encourages scholars to use H-Albion to find additional panelists. Our organization can also help find chairs, commentators, and additional panelists, if needed.

The MWCBS welcomes individual proposals and proposals for panels (of three participants plus chair/commentator), roundtables (of four participants plus chair), poster sessions, and panels featuring the pre-circulation of papers among participants and audience members.

The MWCBS welcomes proposals that:

• Examine new trends in British Studies
• Explore new developments in digital humanities, pedagogies, and/or research methodologies
• Present professional development sessions on collaborative or innovative learning techniques in the British Studies classroom or on topics of research, publication, public outreach, or employment relevant to British Studies scholars
• Offer comparative analyses of different periods of British Studies, such as comparing medieval and early modern issues in context
• Situate the arts, letters, and sciences in a British cultural context
• Present new research on the political, social, cultural, and economic history of the British Isles
• Examine representations of British and imperial/Commonwealth national identities, including the construction of identities shaped by race, class, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, and dis/ability
• Consider Anglo-American relations, past and present
• Assess a major work or body of work by a scholar

The MWCBS welcomes presentations by advanced graduate students and will award the Walter L. Arnstein Prize for the best graduate student paper(s) given at the conference. A limited number of Jim Sack Travel Awards will also be available, and all graduate students are encouraged to apply. Further details will be available on the MWCBS website:

Proposal Requirements and Deadline:

• Include a 200-word abstract for each paper and a 1-page c.v. for each participant, including chairs and commentators.
• For full panels, also include a 200-word abstract for the panel as a whole.
• Please place the panel abstract, accompanying paper proposals, and vitas in one Word or PDF file and submit it as a single attachment. Also identify, within the e-mail, the panel’s contact person.
• All proposals should be submitted electronically by April 23, to the Program Committee Chair, David Pennington at

Program Committee: Celeste Chamberland, Roosevelt University; Jules Gehrke, Saginaw Valley State University; Mary McCain, DePaul University; David Pennington, Chair, Webster University; Valerie Schutte, independent scholar; Emily Wicktor, North Dakota State University.

Visit the MWCBS website at

NACBS Emergency Grants

In November the NACBS announced a new funding program intended to assist scholars in British Studies who have been financially affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. The NACBS has established $500 emergency grants that can be used to cover unexpected loss of income related to this crisis.

Eligibility: Un/underemployed British Studies scholars located in North America, including advanced graduate students and recent PhDs, who have demonstrated financial need and who do not currently have full-time/salaried employment. Those who are fully supported by a graduate program, postdoc, or full-time temporary or tenure-track position are not eligible. Applicants must have been a member of the NACBS within the last three years.

Application process:
• Applicants should submit a cover letter and CV to . They need not include a detailed budget, but they should explain their financial need in broad terms and indicate how the funding would help stabilize their circumstances or help them achieve their professional goals. Applicants should also request that their advisor, department chair, or other supervisor send to the same email address a brief letter verifying their current standing, as soon as possible after the application is submitted. Please include your PayPal email address (for payment via PayPal) or your mailing address (for payment via check).
• Awards will be made on a rolling basis, until the allocated funds are expended.

2019 MWCBS Hotel and Registration Information: Chicago, September 27-29, 2019

MWCBS Conference Hotel:

Hampton Inn Chicago North-Loyola Station

1209 W Albion Ave

Chicago, IL 60626

The room rate is $179 per night. You can use this link to make your reservations The hotel may also be booked using the Hampton Inn central reservations service at 1-800-426-7866. Please be sure to mention that you are attending MWCBS and request the discounted rate by mentioning our room block “MWCBS 2019” or the group code “MWC”.

Travel to Hotel from Chicago O’Hare (ORD) or Chicago Midway (MDW):

Directions from the Hotel Staff

From O’Hare Airport: Take I-90 East 2.7 miles to Exit 82A Nagle. Take 1st left onto Nagle Ave and go 1.05 miles. Take a right onto Devon Ave and go 4.02 miles. Turn left onto N. Kedzie Ave and go for 0.50 miles to Pratt Blvd and take a right. Take Pratt for 2.35 miles to Lakewood Ave and take a right for 0.18 miles and then take a slight left onto Albion Ave and go 0.14 miles. The hotel is 1209 W. Albion Ave.

From Midway Airport: Take Cicero Ave North 4 miles to I-55 North for 7.6 miles to S Lake Shore Dr. Stay on N Lake Shore Dr for 9.83 miles. Take the Sheridan Road exit and travel 1.06 miles. Turn slight right to stay on N Sheridan Rd. and take a left onto W Arthur Ave for 0.14 miles. Take the first right onto N Lakewood Ave and the second right onto W Albion Ave.

Attendees may also utilize the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) elevated (the “L”) and subway lines to reach the hotel from either O’Hare or Midway. To reach the hotel from O’Hare please take the CTA Blue Line from the O’Hare station to the Blue Line Washington station and transfer to the Red Line Lake station. Take the Red Line north (towards Howard) until you reach Loyola station—the hotel is a 2-minute walk north on Sheridan Road.

To reach the hotel from Midway please take the CTA Orange Line from the Midway station to the Roosevelt station. Transfer from the Orange Line to the Red Line at Roosevelt and take the Red Line north (towards Howard) until you reach Loyola station—the hotel is a 2-minute walk north on Sheridan Road.

Additionally, taxi, Uber, and Lyft rides may be arranged to/from the airport with pickups at baggage claim and drop-offs curbside at the terminal. For those who wish to rent a car there are also a large number of rental car options available at either O’Hare or Midway. For a handy guide of these transport options with phone numbers, please see the O’Hare ground transportation page at or the Midway ground transportation page at


Please use the following link to register for the conference. Your registration includes the Friday evening reception and plenary talk.

The rates this year are the following:

  • Early Registration (through August 31): $140.00
  • Late Registration (beginning September 1): $170.00
  • Early Registration Graduate Students (through August 31): $100.00
  • Late Registration Graduate Students (beginning September 1): $120.00
  • Saturday Luncheon and Keynote Address: $30. A vegetarian lunch option will be available.

Please note: All panelists must register for the conference by Friday, September 27, 2019. Participants will be able to pick up conference materials beginning on the evening of Thursday, Sept. 26th at the Hampton Inn Chicago North-Loyola Station. Sessions begin Friday afternoon at 1:30pm with the conference materials available again available starting at 12:00pm.

Student Travel Grants: The registration process will also allow you to donate to the MWCBS Jim Sack Student Travel Grant fund, which helps subsidize costs to the annual conference for the youngest members of our organization, who find it increasingly difficult in these times of shrinking university budgets to secure conference funding. The MWCBS relies on member contributions to fund the grants, and the donations we receive will determine the number of awards we are able to give out. Donations are tax deductible since the MWCBS is an official 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

The Travel Grant Application will be distributed by the Program Chair via email to all eligible participants and the application deadline is September 6, 2019.


Friday Reception and Keynote Address: On Friday, September 27th, there will be an early evening reception and keynote address beginning at 5:00 pm. The keynote, titled “Dreaming of Death and the Dead in the Stuart Political World Imaginary: the Case of William Laud” will be presented by Dr. Carole Levin of the University Nebraska—Lincoln.

Saturday Luncheon and Plenary Address: On Saturday, September 28th, there will be a luncheon at noon and the Arnstein graduate student award and plenary address beginning at 12:45 pm. The plenary, titled “Unsettled: Citizens, Migrants, and Refugees” will be presented by Jordanna Bailkin of the University of Washington.


For program related questions, please contact:

Dr. John Krenzke

Program Committee Chairperson, MWCBS

Associate Professor of History

Tidewater Community College

For all other conference related questions, please contact:

Dr. Lisa Z. Sigel

President, MWCBS

Professor, Department of History

DePaul University

MWCBS Hotel Booking Link

MWCBS is pleased to announce that reservations for the Hampton Inn Chicago North–Loyola Station may be made for September 27-29, 2019 MWCBS conference at the attendee rate of $179/night by following this link:

The hotel may also be booked using the Hampton Inn central reservations service at 1-800-426-7866. Please be sure to mention that you are attending MWCBS and request the discounted rate by mentioning our room block “MWCBS 2019” or the group code “MWC”.

MWCBS Call for Papers Extension to May 20, 2019

The Midwest Conference on British Studies is happy to announce an extension for the Call for Papers for its 66th Annual Meeting to May 20, 2019. The meeting will be hosted by Loyola University Chicago in Chicago, IL, September 27-29, 2019. The keynote speaker will be Carole Levin of the University of Nebraska—Lincoln, and the plenary address will be given by Jordanna Bailkin of the University of Washington.

The MWCBS seeks papers from scholars in all fields of British Studies, broadly defined to include those who study England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Britain’s Empire and the Commonwealth from Roman Britain to the modern age. We welcome scholars from a broad spectrum of disciplines, including but not limited to history, literature, political science, gender studies, art and music history. Proposals for complete sessions are preferred, although proposals for individual papers will also be welcome. The MWCBS encourages scholars to use H-Albion to find additional panelists. Our organization can also help find chairs, commentators, and additional panelists, if needed.

We welcome individual proposals and proposals for panels (of three participants plus chair/commentator), roundtables (of four participants plus chair), poster sessions, and panels featuring the pre-circulation of papers among participants and audience members.

We welcome proposals that:

  • offer comparative analyses of different periods of British Studies, such as comparing medieval and early modern issues in context
  • situate the arts, letters, and sciences in a British cultural context
  • present new research on the political, social, cultural, and economic history of the British Isles
  • examine representations of British and imperial/Commonwealth national identities, including the construction of identities shaped by race, class, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, and dis/ability
  • consider Anglo-American relations, past and present
  • examine new trends in British Studies
  • assess a major work or body of work by a scholar
  • explore new developments in digital humanities, pedagogies, and/or research methodologies
  • present professional development sessions on collaborative or innovative learning techniques in the British Studies classroom or on topics of research, publication, public outreach, or employment relevant to British Studies scholars.

We welcome presentations by advanced graduate students and will award the Walter L. Arnstein Prize for the best graduate student paper(s) given at the conference. A limited number of Jim Sack Travel Awards will also be available, and all graduate students are encouraged to apply. Further details will be available on the MWCBS website:

Proposal Requirements and Deadline:

  • Include a 200-word abstract for each paper and a 1-page c.v. for each participant, including chairs and commentators.
  • For full panels, also include a 200-word abstract for the panel as a whole.
  • Please place the panel abstract, accompanying paper proposals, and vitas in one Word or PDF file and submit it as a single attachment. Also identify, within the e-mail, the panel’s contact person.
  • All proposals should be submitted electronically by May 20, 2019, to the Program Committee Chair, John Krenzke at

Program Committee: Steven Catania, the University of Wisconsin; Jules Gehrke, Saginaw Valley State University; Patrick Kirkwood, Metropolitan Community College; John Krenzke, Chair, Tidewater Community College; Bonnie McLean, the College of DuPage; Rebecca Nesvet, the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay; David Pennington, Webster University.

Visit the MWCBS website at

Call for Papers for the 66th Annual Midwest Conference on British Studies

The Midwest Conference on British Studies is proud to announce that its 66th Annual Meeting will be hosted by Loyola University Chicago in Chicago, IL, September 27-29, 2019. The keynote speaker will be Carole Levin of the University of Nebraska—Lincoln, and the plenary address will be given by Jordanna Bailkin of the University of Washington.

The MWCBS seeks papers from scholars in all fields of British Studies, broadly defined to include those who study England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Britain’s Empire and the Commonwealth from Roman Britain to the modern age. We welcome scholars from a broad spectrum of disciplines, including but not limited to history, literature, political science, gender studies, art and music history. Proposals for complete sessions are preferred, although proposals for individual papers will also be welcome. The MWCBS encourages scholars to use H-Albion to find additional panelists. Our organization can also help find chairs, commentators, and additional panelists, if needed.

We welcome individual proposals and proposals for panels (of three participants plus chair/commentator), roundtables (of four participants plus chair), poster sessions, and panels featuring the pre-circulation of papers among participants and audience members.

We welcome proposals that:

  • offer comparative analyses of different periods of British Studies, such as comparing medieval and early modern issues in context
  • situate the arts, letters, and sciences in a British cultural context
  • present new research on the political, social, cultural, and economic history of the British Isles
  • examine representations of British and imperial/Commonwealth national identities, including the construction of identities shaped by race, class, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, and dis/ability
  • consider Anglo-American relations, past and present
  • examine new trends in British Studies
  • assess a major work or body of work by a scholar
  • explore new developments in digital humanities, pedagogies, and/or research methodologies
  • present professional development sessions on collaborative or innovative learning techniques in the British Studies classroom or on topics of research, publication, public outreach, or employment relevant to British Studies scholars.

We welcome presentations by advanced graduate students and will award the Walter L. Arnstein Prize for the best graduate student paper(s) given at the conference. A limited number of Jim Sack Travel Awards will also be available, and all graduate students are encouraged to apply. Further details will be available on the MWCBS website:

Proposal Requirements and Deadline:

  • Include a 200-word abstract for each paper and a 1-page c.v. for each participant, including chairs and commentators.
  • For full panels, also include a 200-word abstract for the panel as a whole.
  • Please place the panel abstract, accompanying paper proposals, and vitas in one Word or PDF file and submit it as a single attachment. Also identify, within the e-mail, the panel’s contact person.
  • All proposals should be submitted electronically by April 15, 2019, to the Program Committee Chair, John Krenzke at

Program Committee: Steven Catania, the University of Wisconsin; Jules Gehrke, Saginaw Valley State University; Patrick Kirkwood, Metropolitan Community College; John Krenzke, Chair, Tidewater Community College; Bonnie McLean, the College of DuPage; Rebecca Nesvet, the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay; David Pennington, Webster University.

Visit the MWCBS website at

Embassy Suites by Hilton Lexington Green

Reservations for the Embassy Suites by Hilton Lexington Green may still be made for the $159/night attendee rate; however, the hotel has requested that we contact their guest services manager, Taylor Wetzel, directly to book at the MWCBS rate. She may be contacted at 859-271-7130 and to receive the attendee rate all you need to do is mention that you will be attending MWCBS. We currently have a small block of rooms (approximately ten) still available, so if you intend to book using the MWCBS rate it would be best to book as soon as possible.

2018 MWCBS Hotel and Registration Information: Lexington, September 14-16, 2018

MWCBS Conference Hotel:

Embassy Suites by Hilton Lexington Green

245 Lexington Green Circle

Lexington, KY 40503

The room rate is $159 per night. You can use this link to make your reservations or call 859-271-4000. Be sure to mention that you are with the Midwest Conference on British Studies. The room comes with complimentary Wifi and parking.

Travel to Hotel from Blue Grass Airport (LEX):

The Embassy Suites offers a complimentary shuttle to and from Blue Grass Airport (LEX). Additionally, taxi, Uber, and Lyft rides may be arranged to/from the airport with pickups at baggage claim and drop-offs curbside at the terminal. For those who wish to rent a car there are also a large number of rental car options available in the terminal. For a handy guide of these transport options with phone numbers, please see the Blue Grass Airport (LEX) ground transportation page at


Please use the following link to register for the conference. Your registration includes the Friday evening reception and plenary talk.

The rates this year are the following:

  • Early Registration (through August 31): $150.00
  • Late Registration (beginning September 1): $170.00
  • Early Registration Graduate Students (through August 31): $120.00
  • Late Registration Graduate Students (beginning September 1): $140.00
  • Saturday Luncheon and Keynote Address: $40. A vegetarian lunch option will be available.

Please note: All panelists must register for the conference by Friday, September 14, 2018. Participants will be able to pick up conference materials beginning on the evening of Thursday, Sept. 13th at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Lexington Green. Sessions begin Friday morning at 9:00 am with the conference materials available again available starting at 8:00 am.

Student Travel Grants: The registration process will also allow you to donate to the MWCBS Jim Sack Student Travel Grant fund, which helps subsidize costs to the annual conference for the youngest members of our organization, who find it increasingly difficult in these times of shrinking university budgets to secure conference funding. The MWCBS relies on member contributions to fund the grants, and the donations we receive will determine the number of awards we are able to give out. Donations are tax deductible since the MWCBS is an official 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

The Travel Grant Application was distributed by the Program Chair via email and the deadline is August 24, 2018.


Friday Reception and Plenary Address: On Friday, September 14th, there will be an early evening reception and plenary address beginning at 5:00 pm. The plenary speaker is Dr. Matthew Giancarlo of the University of Kentucky.

Saturday Luncheon and Keynote Address: On Saturday, September 15th, there will be a luncheon at noon and the Arnstein graduate student award and keynote address beginning at 12:45 pm. The keynote, titled “We Do Not Want Ugly and Trivial Memorials: The Arts and Crafts Movement and World War One Commemoration” will be presented by Dr. Carolyn Malone, Ball State University.


For program related questions, please contact:

John Krenzke, Ph.D.

Program Committee Chairperson, MWCBS

Associate Professor of History

Tidewater Community College

For all other conference related questions, please contact:

Eric G. Tenbus, Ph.D.

President, MWCBS

Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Georgia College

MWCBS Call for Papers Extension to May 15, 2018

The Midwest Conference on British Studies is happy to announce an extension for the Call for Papers for its 65th Annual Meeting to May 15, 2018. The meeting will be hosted by the University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY, September 14-16, 2018. The keynote speaker will be Carolyn Malone of Ball State University, and the plenary address will be given by Matthew Giancarlo of the University of Kentucky.

The MWCBS seeks papers from scholars in all fields of British Studies, broadly defined to include those who study England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Britain’s Empire and the Commonwealth from Roman Britain to the modern age. We welcome scholars from a broad spectrum of disciplines, including but not limited to history, literature, political science, gender studies, art and music history. Proposals for complete sessions are preferred, although proposals for individual papers will also be welcome. The MWCBS encourages scholars to use H-Albion to find additional panelists. Our organization can also help find chairs, commentators, and additional panelists, if needed.

We welcome individual proposals and proposals for panels (of three participants plus chair/commentator), roundtables (of four participants plus chair), poster sessions, and panels featuring the pre-circulation of papers among participants and audience members.

We welcome proposals that:

  • offer comparative analyses of different periods of British Studies, such as comparing medieval and early modern issues in context
  • situate the arts, letters, and sciences in a British cultural context
  • present new research on the political, social, cultural, and economic history of the British Isles
  • examine representations of British and imperial/Commonwealth national identities, including the construction of identities shaped by race, class, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, and dis/ability
  • consider Anglo-American relations, past and present
  • examine new trends in British Studies
  • assess a major work or body of work by a scholar
  • explore new developments in digital humanities, pedagogies, and/or research methodologies
  • present professional development sessions on collaborative or innovative learning techniques in the British Studies classroom or on topics of research, publication, public outreach, or employment relevant to British Studies scholars.

We welcome presentations by advanced graduate students and will award the Walter L. Arnstein Prize for the best graduate student paper(s) given at the conference. A limited number of Jim Sack Travel Awards will also be available, and all graduate students are encouraged to apply.

Proposal Requirements and Deadline:

  • Include a 200-word abstract for each paper and a 1-page c.v. for each participant, including chairs and commentators.
  • For full panels, also include a 200-word abstract for the panel as a whole.
  • Please place the panel abstract, accompanying paper proposals, and vitas in one Word of PDF file and submit it as a single attachment. Also identify, within the e-mail, the panel’s contact person.
  • All proposals should be submitted electronically by May 15, 2018, to the Program Committee Chair, John Krenzke at

Program Committee: Steven Catania, the University of Wisconsin; Carrie Euler, Central Michigan University; Patrick Kirkwood, Metropolitan Community College; John Krenzke, Chair, Tidewater Community College; Bonnie McLean, the College of DuPage; Rebecca Nesvet, the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay; Lacey Sparks, the University of Southern Maine.

Call for Papers for the 65th Annual Midwest Conference on British Studies

The Midwest Conference on British Studies is proud to announce that its 65th Annual Meeting will be hosted by the University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY, September 14-16, 2018. The keynote speaker will be Carolyn Malone of Ball State University, and the plenary address will be given by Matthew Giancarlo of the University of Kentucky.

The MWCBS seeks papers from scholars in all fields of British Studies, broadly defined to include those who study England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Britain’s Empire and the Commonwealth from Roman Britain to the modern age. We welcome scholars from a broad spectrum of disciplines, including but not limited to history, literature, political science, gender studies, art and music history. Proposals for complete sessions are preferred, although proposals for individual papers will also be welcome. The MWCBS encourages scholars to use H-Albion to find additional panelists. Our organization can also help find chairs, commentators, and additional panelists, if needed.

We welcome individual proposals and proposals for panels (of three participants plus chair/commentator), roundtables (of four participants plus chair), poster sessions, and panels featuring the pre-circulation of papers among participants and audience members.

We welcome proposals that:

  • offer comparative analyses of different periods of British Studies, such as comparing medieval and early modern issues in context
  • situate the arts, letters, and sciences in a British cultural context
  • present new research on the political, social, cultural, and economic history of the British Isles
  • examine representations of British and imperial/Commonwealth national identities, including the construction of identities shaped by race, class, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, and dis/ability
  • consider Anglo-American relations, past and present
  • examine new trends in British Studies
  • assess a major work or body of work by a scholar
  • explore new developments in digital humanities, pedagogies, and/or research methodologies
  • present professional development sessions on collaborative or innovative learning techniques in the British Studies classroom or on topics of research, publication, public outreach, or employment relevant to British Studies scholars.

We welcome presentations by advanced graduate students and will award the Walter L. Arnstein Prize for the best graduate student paper(s) given at the conference. A limited number of Jim Sack Travel Awards will also be available, and all graduate students are encouraged to apply.

Proposal Requirements and Deadline:

  • Include a 200-word abstract for each paper and a 1-page c.v. for each participant, including chairs and commentators.
  • For full panels, also include a 200-word abstract for the panel as a whole.
  • Please place the panel abstract, accompanying paper proposals, and vitas in one Word of PDF file and submit it as a single attachment. Also identify, within the e-mail, the panel’s contact person.
  • All proposals should be submitted electronically by April 15, 2018, to the Program Committee Chair, John Krenzke at

Program Committee: Steven Catania, the University of Wisconsin; Carrie Euler, Central Michigan University; Patrick Kirkwood, Metropolitan Community College; John Krenzke, Chair, Tidewater Community College; Bonnie McLean, the College of DuPage; Rebecca Nesvet, the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay; Lacey Sparks, the University of Southern Maine.

2017 MWCBS Hotel and Registration Information: St. Louis, September 29-October 1

MWCBS Conference Hotel:

Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch

315 Chestnut Street

St. Louis, MO 63102

The room rate is $159 per night. You can use this link to make your reservations or call 888-421-1442 and be sure to mention that you are with the Midwest Conference on British Studies. The room comes with complimentary Wifi.

Parking: The hotel provides valet parking for $36 per day. An alternative is to use a public parking garage. Kiener Plaza Parking East/West offers parking for $20 per day Monday-Friday and $7 on weekends. It is open 24-7 and is located two blocks from the hotel. You can find more information here:

Travel to Hotel from Lambert International Airport:

MetroLink is the light rail service that runs from the airport to the downtown area. The ride from the airport takes about 40 minutes and runs about $3.00 to the MetroLink Civic Center. From there, you can take the bus or taxi to the hotel or walk about 25 minutes. The light rail link is

There is also a shuttle service available here:


Please use the following link to register for the conference. Your registration includes the Friday evening reception and plenary talk.

The rates this year are the following:

  • Early Registration (through August 31): $120
  • Late Registration (beginning September 1): $140


  • Early Registration Graduate Students (through August 31): $90
  • Late Registration Graduate Students (beginning September 1): $110


  • Saturday Luncheon and Keynote Address: $35. There will be a buffet with vegetarian options.

Please note: all panelists must register for the conference by Friday, September 29, 2017. Participants will be able to pick up conference materials beginning on the evening of Thursday, Sept. 28th on the Fourth Floor of the hotel. Sessions begin Friday morning at 9:00 am with the conference materials available again available on the Fourth Floor starting at 8:00 am.

Student Travel Grants: The registration process will also allow you to donate to the MWCBS Student Travel Grant fund, which helps subsidize costs to the annual conference for the youngest members of our organization, who find it increasingly difficult in these times of shrinking university budgets to secure conference funding. The MWCBS relies on member contributions to fund the grants, and the donations we receive will determine the number of awards we are able to give out. Donations are tax deductible since the MWCBS is an official 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

The Travel Grant Application was distributed by the Program Chair via email and the deadline is September 1, 2017.


Friday Reception and Plenary Address: On Friday, September 29th, there will be an early evening reception and plenary address beginning at 5:00 pm in the Park View Room. The plenary speaker is Dr. Jonathan Sawday, Saint Louis University, who will be speaking on “Rule, Britannia? The Genesis and Afterlife of a National Song.”

Saturday Luncheon and Keynote Address: On Saturday, September 30th, there will be a luncheon at Noon and the graduate student award and keynote address beginning at 12:45 pm. The keynote, titled “Beyond God, Country, and Empire: The United Kingdom and the Transnational Turn in World War I” will be presented by Dr. Tammy Proctor, Utah State University.


For program related questions, please contact:

Christine Haskill, Ph.D.

Program Committee Chairperson, MWCBS

Assistant Professor of English

Kendall College of Art and Design

of Ferris State University


For all other conference related questions, please contact:

Eric G. Tenbus, Ph.D.

President, MWCBS

Professor and Department Chair

University of Central Missouri

MWCBS CFP Extension to April 23, 2017

The Midwest Conference on British Studies is proud to announce that its 64th Annual Meeting will be hosted by Webster University in St. Louis, MO, September 29-Oct 1, 2017. The keynote speaker will be Tammy Proctor of Utah State University, and the plenary address will be given by Jonathan Sawday from Saint Louis University.

The MWCBS seeks papers from scholars in all fields of British Studies, broadly defined to include those who study England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Britain’s Empire and the Commonwealth from Roman Britain to the modern age. We welcome scholars from a broad spectrum of disciplines, including but not limited to history, literature, political science, gender studies, and art history. Proposals for complete sessions are preferred, although proposals for individual papers will also be welcome. The MWCBS encourages scholars to use H-Albion to find additional panelists. Our organization can also help find chairs, commentators, and additional panelists if needed.

We welcome individual proposals and proposals for panels (of three participants plus chair/commentator), roundtables (of four participants plus chair), poster sessions, and panels featuring the pre-circulation of papers among participants and audience members. We welcome proposals that:

  • offer comparative analyses of different periods of British Studies, such as comparing medieval and early modern issues in context
  • situate the arts, letters, and sciences in a British cultural context
  • present new research on the political, social, cultural, and economic history of the British Isles
  • examine representations of British and imperial/Commonwealth national identities, including the construction of identities shaped by race, class, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, and dis/ability
  • consider Anglo-American relations, past and present
  • examine new trends in British Studies
  • assess a major work or body of work by a scholar
  • explore new developments in digital humanities and/or research methodologies
  • present professional development sessions on collaborative or innovative learning techniques in the British Studies classroom or on topics of research, publication, or employment relevant to British Studies scholars

The MWCBS welcomes presentations by advanced graduate students and will award the Walter L. Arnstein Prize for the best graduate student paper(s) given at the conference. A limited number of graduate travel scholarships will also be available, and all graduate students are encouraged to apply. Further details will be available on the MWCBS website:

Proposals must:

  • Panel Proposals should include a brief 200-word abstract for the panel as a whole, a 200-word abstract for each paper, and a brief, 1-page c.v. for each participant, including chairs and commentators in one file. Please identify the panel’s contact person within the email.
  • Individual proposals should include a 200-word abstract and a brief 1-page c.v. in one file.

All proposals should be submitted electronically as attachments by April 23, 2017 to the Program Committee Chair, Christine Haskill at

Program Committee: Christine Haskill, Program Committee Chair, Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University; Carrie Euler, Central Michigan University; John Krenzke, Tidewater Community College; Chad Martin, University of Indianapolis; Linda E. Mitchell, University of Missouri-Kansas City; J. Sunita Peacock, Slippery Rock University; Lacey Sparks, University of Kentucky.

CFP NACBS: Extended Deadline to April 3, 2017

Message from the NACBS Program Committee and Executive

North American Conference on British Studies [NACBS]

Denver, Nov. 3-5, 2017

CFP Deadline Extended: April 3

The NACBS Program Committee and the Executive are happy to announce our two plenary speakers for this year’s meeting in Denver: Ethan Shagan speaking on the Reformation and Yasmin Khan on Indian Partition. We will also have two special workshop sessions on ‘Early Modern Bodies, Corporeal and Rhetorical’ and ‘Cultures of Imperialism’, in addition to other special sessions currently in development, e.g., a roundtable on doing British Studies in the age of Trump and Brexit.

If you haven’t put in a panel proposal yet, please do consider joining us in Denver this year. We’re extending the deadline for submissions toApril 3. For further details and to access the online submission site, visit

We’re especially keen to expand our poster exhibit, which is a good venue for grad students and those with work in progress to get early feedback and exposure. More generally, we hope to have a wide diversity of presenters and subjects, across the full disciplinary and temporal range covered by British Studies.

Please note, too, that the ‘Cultures of Imperialism’ workshop is continuing to accept individual paper proposals. For details, see

We hope to see many of you in Denver next fall.

Paul Deslandes

Executive Secretary, NACBS

MWCBS 2017 St. Louis, MO: Call for Papers

The Midwest Conference on British Studies is proud to announce that its 64th Annual Meeting will be hosted by Webster University in St. Louis, MO, September 29-Oct 1, 2017. The keynote speaker will be Tammy Proctor of Utah State University, and the plenary address will be given by Jonathan Sawday from Saint Louis University.

The MWCBS seeks papers from scholars in all fields of British Studies, broadly defined to include those who study England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Britain’s Empire and the Commonwealth from Roman Britain to the modern age. We welcome scholars from a broad spectrum of disciplines, including but not limited to history, literature, political science, gender studies, and art history. Proposals for complete sessions are preferred, although proposals for individual papers will also be welcome. The MWCBS encourages scholars to use H-Albion to find additional panelists. Our organization can also help find chairs, commentators, and additional panelists, if needed.

We welcome individual proposals and proposals for panels (of three participants plus chair/commentator), roundtables (of four participants plus chair), poster sessions, and panels featuring the pre-circulation of papers among participants and audience members.

We welcome proposals that:

  • offer comparative analyses of different periods of British Studies, such as comparing medieval and early modern issues in context
  • situate the arts, letters, and sciences in a British cultural context
  • present new research on the political, social, cultural, and economic history of the British Isles
  • examine representations of British and imperial/Commonwealth national identities, including the construction of identities shaped by race, class, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, and dis/ability
  • consider Anglo-American relations, past and present
  • examine new trends in British Studies
  • assess a major work or body of work by a scholar
  • explore new developments in digital humanities and/or research methodologies
  • present professional development sessions on collaborative or innovative learning techniques in the British Studies classroom or on topics of research, publication, or employment relevant to British Studies scholars.

The MWCBS welcomes presentations by advanced graduate students and will award the Walter L. Arnstein Prize for the best graduate student paper(s) given at the conference. A limited number of graduate travel scholarships will also be available, and all graduate students are encouraged to apply. Further details will be available on the MWCBS website:


Proposal Requirements and Deadline:

  • Include a 200-word abstract for each paper and a brief, 1-page c.v. for each participant, including chairs and commentators.
  • For full panels, also include a brief 200-word abstract for the panel as a whole.
  • Please place the panel abstract, accompanying paper proposals, and vitas in one file and submit it as a single attachment. Also identify the panel’s contact person within the email.
  • All proposals should be submitted electronically by March 26, 2017, to the Program Committee Chair, Christine Haskill at

Program Committee: Carrie Euler, Central Michigan University; Christine Haskill, Chair, Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University; John Krenzke, Tidewater Community College; Chad Martin, University of Indianapolis; Linda E. Mitchell, University of Missouri-Kansas City; J. Sunita Peacock, Slippery Rock University; Lacey Sparks, University of Kentucky.

The MWCBS scheduled the Fall 2017 conference on the same dates as Yom Kippur. As an organization, we strive to be as inclusive as possible and this year, we failed. To our friends and colleagues affected by this scheduling decision, we apologize.

How did this happen? As part of our planning for a Fall Conference, we clear the dates for American Thanksgiving, Canadian Thanksgiving, and the NACBS. We also consider local conditions including competing conferences and events that book area hotel rooms and drive up prices. In fact, we were so thankful that Webster University located an open weekend and found us a great venue and excellent accommodations, that we missed noting the Jewish holiday.

Despite our failure, we hope that you will join us in St. Louis for an excellent British Studies conference. Please know that we will try to balance out all of these considerations to better ends in the future so that we can maintain our reputation as valuing diversity.



The MWCBS 2016 is hosted by Iowa State University in Ames. Accommodations will be at the Gateway Hotel and Conference Center and the conference events will be at the Scheman Center on the Iowa State campus. A morning and afternoon shuttle will be provided between the Gateway and the Scheman.

You can book your room by calling (800) 367-2637 and asking for the MWCBS conference rate. For online reservation please go to and use the code MCBS2016. The conference rate is $129/night and includes wifi and 1 breakfast voucher/room/night.


Please use this link to register for the 2016 MWCBS:

Eventbrite 2016 MWCBS registration

This year’s conference fees are as follows:

  • Early Registration (through 1 September): $120.00
  • Regular Registration (after 1 September): $140.00
  • Early Registration for Graduate Students (through 1 September): $80.00
  • Regular Registration for Graduate Students (after 1 September): $100.00

Please note: all panelists must register for the conference by September 1, 2015. Participants will be able to pick up conference materials beginning on the evening of Thursday, Sept. 15th in the hotel lobby. Sessions begin Friday morning with the conference materials available at the Scheman Center starting at 8.

The registration process will also allow you to donate to the MWCBS Travel Grant fund, which helps subsidize costs to the annual conference for the youngest members of our organization, who find it increasingly difficult in these times of shrinking university budgets to secure conference funding. The MWCBS relies on member contributions to fund the grants, and the donations we receive will determine the number of awards we are able to give out. The Travel Grant Application is available in a separate post below and the deadline is September 1, 2016.


The conference registration includes the shuttle service to and from the Scheman at the beginning and end of the day’s program. It also includes two tickets, good for a box lunch on Friday and a beverage at the Friday evening reception or two beverages at the reception. Please note: we are providing the box lunch on Friday because the nearest restaurants are a 15-minute walk from the Scheman Center and are often overcrowded and slow during the peak lunch period.

On Friday, September 16th, there will be an early evening reception and plenary speech that includes alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and canapés. The plenary speaker will be Ian Archer, Oxford University, who will be speaking on “New Directions in Metropolitan History: London 1500-1700”

On Saturday, September 17th, there will be the MWCBS membership luncheon, graduate student awards, and keynote address, for an additional cost of $25 requested at the time of registration. The keynote, entitled “Brexit: Whither the United Kingdom?” will be presented by Susan Kingsley Kent, University of Colorado, Boulder.

Conference registration also includes annual membership in the MWCBS.


Local arrangements will provide a guide to Ames that will be posted on this site later in the summer. This will include suggestions for transportation to and from Des Moines Airport, approximately 40 minutes away.

For program related questions, please contact:

Christine Haskill, Ph.D.
Program Committee Chairperson, MWCBS
Assistant Professor of English
Kendall College of Art and Design
Of Ferris State University
For all other conference related questions, please contact:
Lia Paradis, Ph.D.
President, MWCBS
Associate Professor and Chair, Slippery Rock University


The abstract submission deadline for the 63rd annual meeting of the Midwest Conference on British Studies has been extended to April 4, 2016. This year’s meeting will be hosted by Iowa State University in Ames, September 16-18, 2016. The keynote speaker will be Susan Kingsley Kent of University of Colorado Boulder, and the plenary address will be given by Ian Archer of the University of Oxford.


The MWCBS Program Committee will consider individual abstracts as well as proposals for complete sessions (of three participants) and roundtables (of four participants). Graduate students are encouraged to submit abstracts and are invited to apply for travel funds to the conference and for graduate paper prizes for presentations given at the meeting.


The MWCBS seeks papers from scholars in all fields of British Studies, broadly defined to include those who study England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Britain’s Empire and the Commonwealth from Roman Britain to the modern age. We welcome scholars from a broad spectrum of disciplines, including but not limited to history, literature, political science, gender studies, and art history. We welcome submissions that:

  • offer comparative analyses of different periods of British Studies, such as comparing medieval and early modern issues in context
  • situate the arts, letters, and sciences in a British cultural context
  • examine representations of British and imperial/Commonwealth national identities
  • consider Anglo-American relations, past and present
  • examine new trends in British Studies
  • assess a major work or body of work by a scholar
  • explore new developments in digital humanities and/or research methodologies


As the result of positive responses to professional development sessions at recent conferences, we encourage proposals for sessions that discuss collaborative or innovative learning techniques in the British Studies classroom and for sessions on the topics of research, publication, or employment. This year the Program Committee will also entertain proposals for poster sessions and for panels featuring the pre-circulation of papers among participants and audience members.


  • For individual submissions, include a 200-word abstract and a brief, 1 page CV.
  • For full panels, include a 200-word abstract for the panel as a whole, a 200-word abstract for each paper, and a brief, 1 page CV for each participant, including chairs and commentators. Identify the panel’s contact person upon submission.


Please place all materials in one .docx or .pdf and submit it as a single attachment electronically by April 4, 2016, to the Program Committee Chair, Christine Haskill at

Program Committee: Christine Haskill, Chair, Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University; Chad Martin, University of Indianapolis; Linda E. Mitchell, University of Missouri-Kansas City; J. Sunita Peacock, Slippery Rock University; Dana Rabin, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.


Visit the MWCBS website at



The Midwest Conference on British Studies is proud to announce that its 63rd Annual Meeting will be hosted by Iowa State University in Ames, September 16-18, 2016. The keynote speaker will be Susan Kingsley Kent of University of Colorado Boulder, and the plenary address will be given by Ian Archer of the University of Oxford.


The MWCBS seeks papers from scholars in all fields of British Studies, broadly defined to include those who study England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Britain’s Empire and the Commonwealth from Roman Britain to the modern age. We welcome scholars from a broad spectrum of disciplines, including but not limited to history, literature, political science, gender studies, and art history. Proposals for complete sessions are preferred, although proposals for individual papers will be considered. We welcome roundtables (of four participants plus chair) and panels (of three participants plus chair/commentator) that:

  • offer comparative analyses of different periods of British Studies, such as comparing medieval and early modern issues in context
  • situate the arts, letters, and sciences in a British cultural context
  • examine representations of British and imperial/Commonwealth national identities
  • consider Anglo-American relations, past and present
  • examine new trends in British Studies
  • assess a major work or body of work by a scholar
  • explore new developments in digital humanities and/or research methodologies


As the result of positive responses to professional development sessions at recent conferences, we encourage proposals for sessions that discuss collaborative or innovative learning techniques in the British Studies classroom and for sessions on the topics of research, publication, or employment. This year the Program Committee will also entertain proposals for poster sessions and for panels featuring the pre-circulation of papers among participants and audience members.


The MWCBS welcomes presentations by advanced graduate students and will award the Walter L. Arnstein Prize for the best graduate student paper(s) given at the conference. A limited number of graduate travel scholarships will also be available, and all graduate students are encouraged to apply.

Proposals must:


  • Include a 200-word abstract for each paper and a brief, 1-page c.v. for each participant, including chairs and commentators.
  • For full panels, also include a brief 200-word abstract for the panel as a whole.


Please place the panel abstract, accompanying paper proposals, and vitas in one file and submit it as a single attachment. Also identify the panel’s contact person within the email.


All proposals should be submitted electronically by March 15, 2016, to the Program Committee Chair, Christine Haskill at

Program Committee: Christine Haskill, Chair, Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University; Chad Martin, University of Indianapolis; Linda E. Mitchell, University of Missouri-Kansas City; J. Sunita Peacock, Slippery Rock University; Dana Rabin, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.


DRAFT MWCBS constitution 2015

The MWCBS in now an incorporated non-profit organization. Under legal advice, this necessitates small changes to the organizational structure, updating the description of certain practices and responsibilities, and clearer guidelines regarding the awarding of prizes and grants.

Please review the draft of the proposed amended constitution. It is followed by the current version for purposes of comparison.

The membership will be asked to vote on these changes at the annual meeting of the MWCBS, to be held on Saturday, September 26th, 2015 in Detroit.

Please feel free to email the President, Lia Paradis, if you have any questions.

MWCBS 2015 (September 25-27) Registration and Hotel Reservation portals now available


The registration process for the 2015 MWCBS is now available online at Please note: all panelists must register for the conference by September 1, 2015. Participants will be able to pick up materials beginning on the evening of Thursday, Sept. 24th. Sessions begin Friday morning.

You may use your credit card for payment. This year’s conference fees are as follows:

  • Early Registration (through 1 September): $120.00
  • Regular Registration (after 1 September): $140.00
  • Early Registration for Graduate Students (through 1 September): $80.00
  • Regular Registration for Graduate Students (after 1 September): $100.00

The registration process will also allow you to donate to the MWCBS Travel Grant fund, which helps subsidize costs to the annual conference for the youngest members of our organization, who find it increasingly difficult in these times of shrinking university budgets to secure conference funding. The MWCBS relies on member contributions to fund the grants, and the donations we receive will determine the number of awards we are able to give out. The Travel Grant Application is available in a separate post below and the deadline is September 1, 2015.

Note: If you have used Regonline before and forgotten your password, you can request it after you have entered your email address.


The MWCBS 2015 is hosted by Wayne State University and will be held at the Westin Book Cadillac Hotel. This hotel was first opened in 1924 and has recently been restored to its earlier glory. In the heart of downtown Detroit, the Book Cadillac is conveniently located for all conference participants who want to explore the city center.

You can book your room at The hotel rate includes free wifi.

The most convenient and cost effective way to reach the hotel from the airport is to use the airport-hotel shuttle service, Skoot. Please go to to make your reservation in advance of your trip.


The conference registration and hotel costs will also include breakfast for all participants as well as refreshments throughout the day.

On Friday, September 25th, there will be an early evening reception and plenary speech that includes alcohol and canapés. The plenary speaker is Alison Games, Dorothy M. Brown Distinguished Professor of History at Georgetown University.

On Saturday, September 26th, there will be the MWCBS membership luncheon and keynote address, for an additional cost of $25 requested at the time of registration. The keynote speaker is Patrick Brantlinger, Professor Emeritus at Indiana University.


Local arrangements will provide a guide to Detroit that will be posted on this site later in the summer.

A draft version of the program will be available soon and will be posted on this site. For program related questions, please contact:

Jennifer McNabb, Ph.D.
Chair, Program Committee, MWCBS
Professor, Department of History
Associate Director, Centennial Honors College
Associate Editor, Quidditas
438 Morgan
Western Illinois University
1 University Circle
Macomb, IL 61455-1390
For all other conference related questions, please contact:
Lia Paradis, Ph.D.
President, MWCBS
Associate Professor and Chair, Slippery Rock University
1 Morrow Way
Slippery Rock, PA 16057
724 738-2403

Midwest Conference on British Studies Graduate Student Travel Grants

Due to the generosity of donors to the Midwest Conference on British Studies, we will be able to give out a limited number of $200 grants to support graduate student travel to the MWCBS 2015 in Detroit.


Grants will be awarded according to both financial need and the significance of attending the MWCBS to students’ professional development.


If you would like to apply, please fill out this form completely and submit it by 1 September, 2015:

Application for MWCBS Graduate Student Travel Grant 2015