CFP NACBS: Extended Deadline to April 3, 2017
Message from the NACBS Program Committee and Executive
North American Conference on British Studies [NACBS]
Denver, Nov. 3-5, 2017
CFP Deadline Extended: April 3
The NACBS Program Committee and the Executive are happy to announce our two plenary speakers for this year’s meeting in Denver: Ethan Shagan speaking on the Reformation and Yasmin Khan on Indian Partition. We will also have two special workshop sessions on ‘Early Modern Bodies, Corporeal and Rhetorical’ and ‘Cultures of Imperialism’, in addition to other special sessions currently in development, e.g., a roundtable on doing British Studies in the age of Trump and Brexit.
If you haven’t put in a panel proposal yet, please do consider joining us in Denver this year. We’re extending the deadline for submissions toApril 3. For further details and to access the online submission site, visit
We’re especially keen to expand our poster exhibit, which is a good venue for grad students and those with work in progress to get early feedback and exposure. More generally, we hope to have a wide diversity of presenters and subjects, across the full disciplinary and temporal range covered by British Studies.
Please note, too, that the ‘Cultures of Imperialism’ workshop is continuing to accept individual paper proposals. For details, see
We hope to see many of you in Denver next fall.
Paul Deslandes
Executive Secretary, NACBS