The MWCBS 2016 is hosted by Iowa State University in Ames. Accommodations will be at the Gateway Hotel and Conference Center and the conference events will be at the Scheman Center on the Iowa State campus. A morning and afternoon shuttle will be provided between the Gateway and the Scheman.

You can book your room by calling (800) 367-2637 and asking for the MWCBS conference rate. For online reservation please go to http://gatewayames.com and use the code MCBS2016. The conference rate is $129/night and includes wifi and 1 breakfast voucher/room/night.


Please use this link to register for the 2016 MWCBS:

Eventbrite 2016 MWCBS registration

This year’s conference fees are as follows:

  • Early Registration (through 1 September): $120.00
  • Regular Registration (after 1 September): $140.00
  • Early Registration for Graduate Students (through 1 September): $80.00
  • Regular Registration for Graduate Students (after 1 September): $100.00

Please note: all panelists must register for the conference by September 1, 2015. Participants will be able to pick up conference materials beginning on the evening of Thursday, Sept. 15th in the hotel lobby. Sessions begin Friday morning with the conference materials available at the Scheman Center starting at 8.

The registration process will also allow you to donate to the MWCBS Travel Grant fund, which helps subsidize costs to the annual conference for the youngest members of our organization, who find it increasingly difficult in these times of shrinking university budgets to secure conference funding. The MWCBS relies on member contributions to fund the grants, and the donations we receive will determine the number of awards we are able to give out. The Travel Grant Application is available in a separate post below and the deadline is September 1, 2016.


The conference registration includes the shuttle service to and from the Scheman at the beginning and end of the day’s program. It also includes two tickets, good for a box lunch on Friday and a beverage at the Friday evening reception or two beverages at the reception. Please note: we are providing the box lunch on Friday because the nearest restaurants are a 15-minute walk from the Scheman Center and are often overcrowded and slow during the peak lunch period.

On Friday, September 16th, there will be an early evening reception and plenary speech that includes alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and canapés. The plenary speaker will be Ian Archer, Oxford University, who will be speaking on “New Directions in Metropolitan History: London 1500-1700”

On Saturday, September 17th, there will be the MWCBS membership luncheon, graduate student awards, and keynote address, for an additional cost of $25 requested at the time of registration. The keynote, entitled “Brexit: Whither the United Kingdom?” will be presented by Susan Kingsley Kent, University of Colorado, Boulder.

Conference registration also includes annual membership in the MWCBS.


Local arrangements will provide a guide to Ames that will be posted on this site later in the summer. This will include suggestions for transportation to and from Des Moines Airport, approximately 40 minutes away.

For program related questions, please contact:

Christine Haskill, Ph.D.
Program Committee Chairperson, MWCBS
Assistant Professor of English
Kendall College of Art and Design
Of Ferris State University
Email: christinehaskill@ferris.edu
For all other conference related questions, please contact:
Lia Paradis, Ph.D.
President, MWCBS
Associate Professor and Chair, Slippery Rock University


The abstract submission deadline for the 63rd annual meeting of the Midwest Conference on British Studies has been extended to April 4, 2016. This year’s meeting will be hosted by Iowa State University in Ames, September 16-18, 2016. The keynote speaker will be Susan Kingsley Kent of University of Colorado Boulder, and the plenary address will be given by Ian Archer of the University of Oxford.


The MWCBS Program Committee will consider individual abstracts as well as proposals for complete sessions (of three participants) and roundtables (of four participants). Graduate students are encouraged to submit abstracts and are invited to apply for travel funds to the conference and for graduate paper prizes for presentations given at the meeting.


The MWCBS seeks papers from scholars in all fields of British Studies, broadly defined to include those who study England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Britain’s Empire and the Commonwealth from Roman Britain to the modern age. We welcome scholars from a broad spectrum of disciplines, including but not limited to history, literature, political science, gender studies, and art history. We welcome submissions that:

  • offer comparative analyses of different periods of British Studies, such as comparing medieval and early modern issues in context
  • situate the arts, letters, and sciences in a British cultural context
  • examine representations of British and imperial/Commonwealth national identities
  • consider Anglo-American relations, past and present
  • examine new trends in British Studies
  • assess a major work or body of work by a scholar
  • explore new developments in digital humanities and/or research methodologies


As the result of positive responses to professional development sessions at recent conferences, we encourage proposals for sessions that discuss collaborative or innovative learning techniques in the British Studies classroom and for sessions on the topics of research, publication, or employment. This year the Program Committee will also entertain proposals for poster sessions and for panels featuring the pre-circulation of papers among participants and audience members.


  • For individual submissions, include a 200-word abstract and a brief, 1 page CV.
  • For full panels, include a 200-word abstract for the panel as a whole, a 200-word abstract for each paper, and a brief, 1 page CV for each participant, including chairs and commentators. Identify the panel’s contact person upon submission.


Please place all materials in one .docx or .pdf and submit it as a single attachment electronically by April 4, 2016, to the Program Committee Chair, Christine Haskill at christinehaskill@ferris.edu.

Program Committee: Christine Haskill, Chair, Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University; Chad Martin, University of Indianapolis; Linda E. Mitchell, University of Missouri-Kansas City; J. Sunita Peacock, Slippery Rock University; Dana Rabin, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.


Visit the MWCBS website at https://mwcbs.edublogs.org/



The Midwest Conference on British Studies is proud to announce that its 63rd Annual Meeting will be hosted by Iowa State University in Ames, September 16-18, 2016. The keynote speaker will be Susan Kingsley Kent of University of Colorado Boulder, and the plenary address will be given by Ian Archer of the University of Oxford.


The MWCBS seeks papers from scholars in all fields of British Studies, broadly defined to include those who study England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Britain’s Empire and the Commonwealth from Roman Britain to the modern age. We welcome scholars from a broad spectrum of disciplines, including but not limited to history, literature, political science, gender studies, and art history. Proposals for complete sessions are preferred, although proposals for individual papers will be considered. We welcome roundtables (of four participants plus chair) and panels (of three participants plus chair/commentator) that:

  • offer comparative analyses of different periods of British Studies, such as comparing medieval and early modern issues in context
  • situate the arts, letters, and sciences in a British cultural context
  • examine representations of British and imperial/Commonwealth national identities
  • consider Anglo-American relations, past and present
  • examine new trends in British Studies
  • assess a major work or body of work by a scholar
  • explore new developments in digital humanities and/or research methodologies


As the result of positive responses to professional development sessions at recent conferences, we encourage proposals for sessions that discuss collaborative or innovative learning techniques in the British Studies classroom and for sessions on the topics of research, publication, or employment. This year the Program Committee will also entertain proposals for poster sessions and for panels featuring the pre-circulation of papers among participants and audience members.


The MWCBS welcomes presentations by advanced graduate students and will award the Walter L. Arnstein Prize for the best graduate student paper(s) given at the conference. A limited number of graduate travel scholarships will also be available, and all graduate students are encouraged to apply.

Proposals must:


  • Include a 200-word abstract for each paper and a brief, 1-page c.v. for each participant, including chairs and commentators.
  • For full panels, also include a brief 200-word abstract for the panel as a whole.


Please place the panel abstract, accompanying paper proposals, and vitas in one file and submit it as a single attachment. Also identify the panel’s contact person within the email.


All proposals should be submitted electronically by March 15, 2016, to the Program Committee Chair, Christine Haskill at christinehaskill@ferris.edu.

Program Committee: Christine Haskill, Chair, Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University; Chad Martin, University of Indianapolis; Linda E. Mitchell, University of Missouri-Kansas City; J. Sunita Peacock, Slippery Rock University; Dana Rabin, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.


DRAFT MWCBS constitution 2015

The MWCBS in now an incorporated non-profit organization. Under legal advice, this necessitates small changes to the organizational structure, updating the description of certain practices and responsibilities, and clearer guidelines regarding the awarding of prizes and grants.

Please review the draft of the proposed amended constitution. It is followed by the current version for purposes of comparison.

The membership will be asked to vote on these changes at the annual meeting of the MWCBS, to be held on Saturday, September 26th, 2015 in Detroit.

Please feel free to email the President, Lia Paradis, if you have any questions. lia.paradis@sru.edu

MWCBS 2015 (September 25-27) Registration and Hotel Reservation portals now available


The registration process for the 2015 MWCBS is now available online at https://www.regonline.com/2015. Please note: all panelists must register for the conference by September 1, 2015. Participants will be able to pick up materials beginning on the evening of Thursday, Sept. 24th. Sessions begin Friday morning.

You may use your credit card for payment. This year’s conference fees are as follows:

  • Early Registration (through 1 September): $120.00
  • Regular Registration (after 1 September): $140.00
  • Early Registration for Graduate Students (through 1 September): $80.00
  • Regular Registration for Graduate Students (after 1 September): $100.00

The registration process will also allow you to donate to the MWCBS Travel Grant fund, which helps subsidize costs to the annual conference for the youngest members of our organization, who find it increasingly difficult in these times of shrinking university budgets to secure conference funding. The MWCBS relies on member contributions to fund the grants, and the donations we receive will determine the number of awards we are able to give out. The Travel Grant Application is available in a separate post below and the deadline is September 1, 2015.

Note: If you have used Regonline before and forgotten your password, you can request it after you have entered your email address.


The MWCBS 2015 is hosted by Wayne State University and will be held at the Westin Book Cadillac Hotel. This hotel was first opened in 1924 and has recently been restored to its earlier glory. In the heart of downtown Detroit, the Book Cadillac is conveniently located for all conference participants who want to explore the city center.

You can book your room at https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/Book/MWCBS. The hotel rate includes free wifi.

The most convenient and cost effective way to reach the hotel from the airport is to use the airport-hotel shuttle service, Skoot. Please go to https://www.rideskoot.com to make your reservation in advance of your trip.


The conference registration and hotel costs will also include breakfast for all participants as well as refreshments throughout the day.

On Friday, September 25th, there will be an early evening reception and plenary speech that includes alcohol and canapés. The plenary speaker is Alison Games, Dorothy M. Brown Distinguished Professor of History at Georgetown University.

On Saturday, September 26th, there will be the MWCBS membership luncheon and keynote address, for an additional cost of $25 requested at the time of registration. The keynote speaker is Patrick Brantlinger, Professor Emeritus at Indiana University.


Local arrangements will provide a guide to Detroit that will be posted on this site later in the summer.

A draft version of the program will be available soon and will be posted on this site. For program related questions, please contact:

Jennifer McNabb, Ph.D.
Chair, Program Committee, MWCBS
Professor, Department of History
Associate Director, Centennial Honors College
Associate Editor, Quidditas
438 Morgan
Western Illinois University
1 University Circle
Macomb, IL 61455-1390
For all other conference related questions, please contact:
Lia Paradis, Ph.D.
President, MWCBS
Associate Professor and Chair, Slippery Rock University
1 Morrow Way
Slippery Rock, PA 16057
724 738-2403

CFP: MWCBS 2015 in Detroit

Detroit, MI MontageThe Midwest Conference on British Studies is proud to announce that its 62nd Annual Meeting will be hosted by Wayne State University and held at the historic Westin Book Cadillac in Detroit, September 24-27, 2015. The keynote speaker will be Patrick Brantlinger of Indiana University, and the plenary address will be given by Alison Games of Georgetown University.

The MWCBS seeks papers from scholars in all fields of British Studies, broadly defined to include those who study England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Britain’s Empire and the Commonwealth. We welcome scholars from a broad spectrum of disciplines, including but not limited to history, literature, political science, gender studies and art history. Proposals for complete sessions are preferred, although proposals for individual papers will be considered. We welcome roundtables (of four participants plus chair) and panels (of three participants plus chair/commentator) that:

  • offer cross-disciplinary perspectives on topics in British Studies
  • situate the arts, letters, and sciences in a British cultural context
  • examine representations of British and imperial/Commonwealth national identities
  • consider Anglo-American relations, past and present
  • examine new trends in British Studies
  • assess a major work or body of work by a scholar
  • explore new developments in digital humanities and/or research methodologies

As the result of positive responses to professional development sessions at recent conferences, we encourage proposals for sessions that discuss collaborative or innovative learning techniques in the British Studies classroom and for sessions on the topics of research, publication, or employment. This year the Program Committee will also entertain proposals for poster sessions and for panels featuring the pre-circulation of papers among participants and audience members.

The MWCBS welcomes presentations by advanced graduate students and will award the Walter L. Arnstein Prize for the best graduate student paper(s) given at the conference. A limited number of graduate travel scholarships will also be available, and all graduate students are encouraged to apply. Further details will be available on the MWCBS website: https://mwcbs.edublogs.org/

Proposals must:

  • Include a 200-word abstract for each paper and a brief, 1-page c.v. for each participant, including chairs and commentators.
  • For full panels, also include a brief 200-word abstract for the panel as a whole.

Please place the panel abstract, accompanying paper proposals, and vitas in one file and submit it as a single attachment. Also identify the panel’s contact person within the email.

All proposals should be submitted electronically by March 15, 2015, to the Program Committee Chair, Jennifer McNabb at JL-Mcnabb@wiu.edu .

Program Committee: Christine Haskill, Western Michigan University; Jennifer McNabb, Chair, Western Illinois University; Dana Rabin, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; David Chan Smith, Wilfrid Laurier University; Bethany Shepherd, Adrian College; and Cathryn Spence, University of Guelph

Visit the MWCBS website at https://mwcbs.edublogs.org/


The 2014 MWCBS meeting will be held jointly with the NACBS annual meeting will at the Marquette Hotel in the center of downtown Minneapolis.  The Marquette is an elegant, modern, recently renovated boutique hotel. It  adjoins the architecturally-renowned IDS Tower, opens onto the  Crystal Court atrium of restaurants and shops, and is connected by skyway (as well as by regular sidewalks) to the rest of downtown. Many of the conference events, including the Friday reception, will be held in Windowson Minnesota, an event space on the fiftieth floor of the IDS tower that features spectacular views of the city.

The Marquette is easily accessible via light rail or taxi from the airport. Cultural attractions such as the Minnesota Orchestra and the Dakota Jazz Club are a short walk, the Walker Art Center is a slightly longer walk or bus ride, and the Minneapolis Institute of Arts is easily accessible by
a short bus ride.  The Mall of America is also accessible by light rail.

A block of rooms has been reserved for NACBS conference attendees the nights of Thursday through Saturday, November 6-8 (a few rooms
are available on Wednesday, November 5, as well).

The NACBS conference rate for rooms is $159 per night (for single/double occupancy).  The conference room rate is guaranteed only
until October 6 and applies to a limited block of rooms. We urge you to stay at the conference hotel and to reserve your room sooner rather than later. The Marquette Hotel conference rate is $159 single or double. You must register by Oct. 6, 2014 to get this rate. Click on this link
<http://www.hilton.com/en/hi/groups/personalized/M/MSPVIHH-BSG-20141105/index.jhtml> to reserve a room or call 1-800-328-4782.